Server Consolidation / Virtualization

Virtualization is the heart of compute-resource consolidation by running a distributed architecture to pool all available resources to support business applications. By virtualizing business applications, you no longer tie one physical server to one business application. Instead, with resource-pooling, your IT infrastructure can scale anytime vertically and horizontally without downtime.

  • Reclaim underutilised resources for expansion or for unexpected infrastructure load.

  • Keep server sprawls at bay and ensure hardware investments are justified by their workloads.

  • Do more with less. IT budgets may stay stagnant but your IT infrastructure capabilities does not need to.

  • Cost savings. Less physical assets, power, cooling, rentals, and administration overheads.

  • Reap the benefits of a distributed yet consolidated architecture with features such as high availability and fault tolerance.

  • Be ready for the cloud when your workloads are already made portable.

  • Simplify disaster recovery when your workloads are no longer hardware dependent.


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