Adventus & Action1 Webinar – Top 10 Worst Patch Management Practices


On 24th July 2024, Adventus & Action1 hosted a joint webinar with the topic: "Top 10 Worst Patch Management Practices". Our attendees took this chance to learn from others' mistakes and improved their patch management strategy!

Do you know that 62% were unaware that their organizations were vulnerable prior to the data breach? Or that unpatched vulnerabilities are involved in 60% of data breaches?

While many resources highlight best practices in patch management, our focus for this webinar was on the mistakes we've seen in our customer base. Avoiding these will easily prevent future issues from happening again.

Our attendees gained insights on:

  1. The top 10 worst patch management practices.
  2. Tips and tricks for effective patch management. 
  3. How the Action1 platform can simplify your patching processes.


To view a recording for this webinar, please find it at our YouTube Channel here.

These offerings are part of our Adventus Cybersecurity Solutions & Services portfolio. Click here to get in touch with us and find out more!

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